Prison as institution for disregard of sexuality and gender differences


  • Neon Bruno Doering Morais Doutorando em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, UNICAP - Servidor da Defensoria Pública da União
  • Danyelle do Nascimento Rolim Medeiros Lopes Graduada em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Advogada.



Human essence, Disrespect for gender and sexuality issues, Prison., Violation of human of rights


This study proposes a reflection about prision as an environment of disrespect for gender and sexuality differences, and is therefore a space destined to the violation of the most sensitive and intrinsic human rights of the individual, those that orbit human complexity itself. Most national prisons do not have specific accommodations for the LGBT population deprived of their liberty, and this minority group is susceptible to the worst barbarism, torture and violence committed by other inmates. Prison as an institution of disrespect for sexual differences thus impresses the pain and suffering of those people who are imprisoned in a place that does not observe gender and gender issues, forcing them to live together with people who do not respect diversity and sexual freedom.



How to Cite

Doering Morais, N. B., & Rolim Medeiros Lopes, D. do N. (2019). Prison as institution for disregard of sexuality and gender differences. Revista Da Defensoria Pública Da União, (12), 345-358.