População em situação de rua, Arquitetura hostil, Projeto de Lei n° 488 de 2021, Direito à cidade.Abstract
The present work presents the legal concept of "homeless population" and the reason why it is necessary to delimit the legal object for the creation of public policies and with that direct the State in the creation of measures to change the social reality. In addition, it explains what the hostile architecture technique is and that the purpose of its use is to scare away the homeless population of large urban centers with the objective of valuing the properties in their surroundings. Therefore, it was found that the State is co-opted to carry out policies that benefit the wealthiest economic sectors and that Bill No. 488 of 2021 aims to prohibit the use of hostile constructions to prevent access to the city by the population of Street . Finally, it is concluded that the fence is not necessary, but a regulation of these techniques so as not to limit, too much, the right to the city.
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