
  • Marina Nogueira de Almeida UFRGS



Direitos Humanos das mulheres, Caso Alyne, Feminismo jurídico, Interseccionalidade


This article presents a case study of the Alyne da Silva Pimentel Teixeira v. Brazil case, judged by the CEDAW Committee. It is the first case of preventable maternal death within the International Human Rights System, where the Brazilian State was held accountable. The objective is to analyze the foundations that underpinned the case and, particularly, the compliance with the formulated recommendations. Drawing from an intersectional feminist theoretical framework, considering the intersections of gender, race, and class, sources such as the domestic judicial process, the international decision, academic production on the subject, and reported information are used to assess how Brazil has fulfilled or failed to fulfill the points raised by the CEDAW Committee. It is concluded that, despite the progress represented by the Alyne case, practical changes have not matched the symbolism of the condemnation, leaving the lives of pregnant women still at risk of human rights violations in Brazil.

Author Biography

Marina Nogueira de Almeida, UFRGS

Doutoranda em Direito - UFRGS. Advogada da Fundação Municipal de Saúde de Canoas


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How to Cite

Almeida, M. N. de. (2024). ALYNE DA SILVA PIMENTEL TEIXEIRA VS. BRAZIL. Revista Da Defensoria Pública Da União, 21(21), 183-208.

