Mutirão em prol do livre-alvedrio de identidades: os desafios de indivíduos transgênero ante a retificação do nome e a alteração do marcador de gênero no registro civil e o modelo de assistência jurídica gratuita desenvolvido pela Defensoria Pública do Estado do Ceará com o propósito de transformar essa realidade
Direito à sexualidade, Indivíduos transgênero, Retificação de registro civil, Mutirão Transforma, Defensoria PúblicaAbstract
The research has two main focuses. First, it will discuss the setbacks faced by transgender individuals when rectifying their names and changing their gender markers in their civil registration records, both at a time of more restrictive changes that necessarily depend on court decisions and in a scenario where such procedures could be carried out administratively, which has revealed new factual problems. The second focus, and also the central point of the work, is to understand the model of free legal assistance adopted by the Public Defender's Office of the State of Ceará (DPCE), focusing mainly on the strategy outlined by the organization of the “Transforma” program, which enabled this institution to be able to respond to a new reality of abrupt operationalization of cases of transgender individuals, becoming a regional reference case in terms of innovation in this sense and thus inaugurating an efficient tactic in favor of the defense of the personality and human dignity of transgender human beings. To this end, concepts related to human sexuality and data pertinent to the understanding of the topic will be used. The conclusion will be that changes in jurisprudence are not enough; innovations in the spheres of free legal assistance are also essential, especially with the adoption of management strategies that are capable of realizing the rights of transgender individuals, removing them from a position of extras and transforming them into protagonists of changes in favor of their human dignity.
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