About the Journal

The Journal of the Public Defender of the Union has been published since 2009, and aims to promote and disseminate knowledge of the Public defender, the promotion of human rights and access to justice. The articles undergo to prior and summary analysis, opportunity in which aspects purely formals are assessed, like the compatibility of the content with the proposed themes by the journal, and post double-blind review evaluation.

Editorial line

The theme on which the authors of this Magazine discuss is quite broad, but it should be emphasized that its specificity is verified in the approach of the changes inscripts in Contemporary Law, in legal practices, in addition to the peculiarities of the current consumer society, marked by the accelerated exclusion, by the exacerbated individualism and, at the same time, permeated by the advanced technological development.

Due to the complexity of these transformations, the Magazine's editorial line encourages a transdisciplinary and critical approach to the proposed theme, which should create conditions for an interlocution of the legal discourse with the sociological, philosophical, historiographical, economicist discourses, of the political science and vice versa. Similarly, it encourages, by means of reviews, the dissemination of relevant academic texts, sometimes inaccessible to many because they exist only in foreign language. Finally, it also aims to present texts of programs, projects and/or institutional experiences, or judicial decisions that contributed to the promotion of the work of the Public Defender, human rights and access to Justice.

Submission of papers

The articles, reviews and good practices/case studies must be unpublished in Brazil. 

The journal is open to publish works by Federal Public Defenders, operators of law, professionals and postgraduate students with a transdisciplinary approach of the proposed theme. 

It is divided into the following sections:

Scientific Articles, Good Institutional Practices/Case Studies and Reviews

Additional information

All of the rules that govern the publication are available on the website of the Public Defender of the Union - www.dpu.gov.br/esdpu/revista -, in the section “Guidelines for authors”. In the same section, there are also article templates, review and comment to case law as an example. Other informations may be obtained from the Coordination of Incentive to Research and Publication by the e-mail publicacoes.esdpu@dpu.gov.br.
The contributors to this Magazine enjoy the wider freedom of opinion and criticism, a responsibility of the ideas and concepts expressed in their works.