Access to justice and legal aid: elements of the state physiology from the human needs


  • Edilson Santana Gonçalves Filho Defensoria Pública da União



Philosophical Theory of the State, Justice system, Access to justice, Legal Aid, Public defense


This study aims to present access to justice and free legal aid as composing elements of modern states. By analyzing classic texts related to the philosophy (or theory) of the State collected by a bibliographic review, we verified an association between human
needs and the traditional conception of the formation of organized societies – an idea
somehow present in the theory of the Rule of Law, centuries later, especially regarding the recognition of the universality of fundamental rights. However, the broad recognition of rights operated by legislative activity has not been able to prevent oppression and power abuse. These situations outline the aspirations for equality and the public
power resolution in assuring it, indicating the key role of the system justice and its recognition
as a human right. Considering that the need for guaranteeing access to justice is not fulfilled without guaranteeing legal aid, the right to have rights is crucial for the formation of the Rule of Law.

Author Biography

Edilson Santana Gonçalves Filho, Defensoria Pública da União

Mestrando em Direito, Universidade Federal do Ceará. Especialista em Direito Processual, UNI7. Defensor Público Federal


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How to Cite

Gonçalves Filho, E. S. (2022). Access to justice and legal aid: elements of the state physiology from the human needs. Revista Da Defensoria Pública Da União, (16), 97-110.

