The effects of the declaratory sentence of common-law marriage in face of the INSS


  • Bruno Carlos dos Rios Defensoria Pública da União



Stable Union, State Justice, INSS


This article aims to evaluate the social security effects of the declaratory judgement on common-law marriage, as to the State Common Justice, considering that the Brazilian Social Security System (INSS) is not involved in the legal procedural relationship. The study investigates the rationality underlying the understanding of the social security administration regarding the theme as, despite being recognized by court decision, INSS conditions social security in common-law marriage to the presentation of other evidence, disregarding the effectiveness and authority of the mentioned court decision. Thus, this study investigates, in light of current law and mainly considering the 2015 Civil Procedure Code, the sufficiency of the declaratory judgement of common-law marriage recognition, allowing social security protection to interested parties. To this end, an inventory of the features of social security dependents and the body management organization is performed, emphasizing the treatment provided by INSS to the common-law marriage family entity in an effort to examine preclusive effectiveness of the declaratory judgement and its corresponding executive force.

Author Biography

Bruno Carlos dos Rios, Defensoria Pública da União

Doutor em Direito pela PUC/SP. Mestre em Direito, com ênfase em Justiça, Empresa e Sustentabilidade. Especialista em Direito do Estado. Defensor Público Federal.


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How to Cite

Rios, B. C. dos . (2022). The effects of the declaratory sentence of common-law marriage in face of the INSS. Revista Da Defensoria Pública Da União, (16), 241-261.

