The results of the implementation of the standard in competitions for Federal Judiciary held between 2016 and 2019


  • Magali Dantas Justiça Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Public policy, Affirmative actions, Quotas, Judiciary, Federal judge


This paper is dedicated to investigating the results of the implementation of the standard in competitions for federal judiciary held between 2016 and 2019. In order to reveal whether there were effective results, that is, if the quotas included black people in the position of federal judge. The research dedicated itself to understanding the decisions and strategies adopted in its interpretation and regulation made by the CNJ, as well as in its implementation by the federal regional courts when executing contests. However, in the preliminary phase of the empirical investigation, it was noticed that no black person was approved by the vacancy reservation in the federal regional court that had already applied for the quotas. Thus, the analysis proceeds to characterize and compare the operationalization of the competitions to identify institutional mechanisms, as well as decisions of institutions responding to the implementation and behaviors of the bureaucracy, which may be related to the low effectiveness of the vacancy reserve. Given the ineffectiveness shown by the results, the interpretation addresses the handling of public action instruments, the repertoire and available possibilities put into dialogue with the practices adopted by the courts. The contribution of the work are a diagnosis of the results in the Federal Courts also the presentation of recommendations for the improvement of the implementation (policy brief), elaborated in the light of the current regulations, since, the formulator himself points out antidotes to circumvent a possible low effectiveness.

Author Biography

Magali Dantas, Justiça Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Mestre em Governança e Desenvolvimento pela Escola Nacional de Administração Pública e técnica judiciária na área administrativa da Justiça Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


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How to Cite

Dantas, M. (2022). The results of the implementation of the standard in competitions for Federal Judiciary held between 2016 and 2019. Revista Da Defensoria Pública Da União, (17), 171-186.