Conduct adjustment term due to the death of João Alberto Freitas at the Carrefour Supermarket: an example of good institutional practice


  • Enrico Rodrigues de Freitas Procurador da República
  • Gisele Muller Monteiro Promotora de Justiça
  • Daniel Mourgues Cogoy Defensoria Pública da União
  • Rita Cristina de Oliveira Defensora Pública Federal
  • Marco Antonio Delfino de Almeida Promotor de Justiça
  • Lívia Maria Santana e Sant’Anna Vaz Promotora de Justiça
  • Angela Salton Rotuno Promotora de Justiça
  • Aline Palermo Guimarães Defensora Pública do Estado
  • Rafael Pedro Magagnin Defensor Público do Estado
  • Andrey Régis de Melo Defensor Público do Estado
  • Vicktor Byruchko Junior Procurador do Trabalho



On November 19, 2020, João Alberto Freitas, a black man, was attacked and killed by employees of a supermarket belonging to the Carrefour chain in the city of Porto Alegre/RS. The scene was filmed by several people who were in the place and the images won the world. Also in December 2020, representatives of the Federal Public Defender´s Office, Rio Grande do Sul Public Defender's Office, the Federal Public Ministry, the Public Ministry of the State of Rio Grande do Sul and the Public Ministry of Labor decided to meet. Instead of promoting parallel and redundant actions, a joint action was chosen, aiming at the construction of an agreement with the Carrefour Group that could result in a TAC (Term of Adjustment of Conduct), in which measures capable of guaranteeing a adequate response to society due to the serious facts that resulted in the death of João Alberto Freitas. The good practice was characterized, in the first place, by a joint action of all the institutions of the justice system with the attribution to act in the case of the death of João Alberto Freitas. Second, for the search for an extrajudicial and speedy solution in the face of what happened. Thirdly, for an answer that embraced the main demands of organized civil society, in this case, the black movement.  

Author Biographies

Enrico Rodrigues de Freitas, Procurador da República

Procurador Regional de Direitos Humanos no Rio Grande do Sul

Daniel Mourgues Cogoy, Defensoria Pública da União

Mestre em Ciências jurídico-civis pela Universidade de Lisboa. Defensor Público Federal

Rita Cristina de Oliveira, Defensora Pública Federal

Coordenadora do Grupo de Trabalho de Políticas Etnorraciais

Marco Antonio Delfino de Almeida, Promotor de Justiça

Grupo de Trabalho de Combate ao Racismo e Promoção da Igualdade Racial da Procuradoria dos Direitos do Cidadão

Lívia Maria Santana e Sant’Anna Vaz, Promotora de Justiça

Grupo de Trabalho de Combate ao Racismo e Promoção da Igualdade Racial da Procuradoria dos Direitos do Cidadão



How to Cite

Freitas, E. R. de, Monteiro, G. M., Cogoy, D. M., Oliveira, R. C. de, Almeida, M. A. D. de, Vaz, L. M. S. e S., Rotuno, A. S., Guimarães, A. P., Magagnin, R. P., Melo, A. R. de, & Byruchko Junior, V. (2022). Conduct adjustment term due to the death of João Alberto Freitas at the Carrefour Supermarket: an example of good institutional practice. Revista Da Defensoria Pública Da União, (16), 265-269.

