A decretação da prisão temporária conforme a interpretação do Supremo Tribunal Federal: notas centradas na ADI n.º 4.109/DF


  • Mártin Marks Szinvelski Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos




Prisão temporária, Fundamentação de direitos, Investigação policial, ADI n.º 4.109/DF


It is intended to present comments on the consequences of the judgment of the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality (ADI) n. 4109 within the framework of the discipline of temporary detention. It is understood, as a result of the case studied, that there is a pro-future affectation of the decision in the criminal investigation, affecting all the actors that operate in the pre-procedural phase. In conclusion, it is argued that there was a reaffirmation of fundamental rights in the case, with the establishment of interpretative beacons for the readjustment of the use of the temporary prison institute.


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How to Cite

Marks Szinvelski, M. (2024). A decretação da prisão temporária conforme a interpretação do Supremo Tribunal Federal: notas centradas na ADI n.º 4.109/DF. Revista Da Defensoria Pública Da União, 20(20), 269-278. https://doi.org/10.46901/revistadadpu.i20.p269-278